People ask me how this, slightly odd, idea of me cycling the States came into being. Say it's the wrapped-up version of WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD would you want to do SOMETHING OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND like this?!! I'm not all that sure. You know that feeling you no longer feel comfortable in your comfort zone? That's it, that's your cue. I once read: "Think thoughts that make you happy. Do things that make you feel good. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good. Eat things that are good for your body. Do everything at a pace you feel comfortable with." (L.H. Hay) Well now, that comfort-zone-feeling came to me, and enfolded itself to an idea. And I answered it. This is my ticket to life in the slow lane, and I'm ready to board.
First things first. So there once was an idea, which became a plan, which became a visual and shortly after it got pinned onto a map.
Another FAQ is how I will do all this. We're talking means (bike), financials (on a budget), shelter (tent), socially (by myself). I never really bothered with the practical side. In my opinion, if you understand the why, there's not that much to the how. If you believe in the cause, means will enfold around you. Be pure of heart, let trust take you and love guide you.
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